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WebAssembly / Stack-based execution model

Posted On 01.27.2022

WebAssembly is executed using a stack-based virtual machine.

There are two types of execution of a WASM module:

  • Instance Execution: If the module contains a start section, the referenced function here will be executed right after the module is loaded.
  • Function Execution: when a function is called via call instruction from within the same module, by instance execution or by another module, or from the host environment.

When a function is called, several data structures are created:

  • A control-flow stack: containing the label of the function, a signature of the function
  • A value stack, which carries the values between instructions
  • A locals vector containing the types of the function’s parameters or any local variables
  • And the current position of the function execution

The value of each incoming argument is copied to the local, a signature is the return type of the function, if there is no return type, it’s void.

The execution starts from the first instruction in the function’s body. At each instruction, the top value of the value stack will be popped out to be used as the operand of that instruction. Any return values will be pushed back to the value stack.

If the current execution position is past the end of the function, the function return execution will kick-off. One value for each return type in the signature will be popped from the value stack, and provided to the caller.

Let’s take a look at the execution of a simple function when we call it with add(8, 2):

(func $add (param $a i32) (param $b i32) (result i32)
  local.get $a
  local.get $b

The stacks are initialized, the return signature of the $add function is pushed to the control-flow stack, the value stack is empty and the local containing all the arguments when we called:

Starting from the first instruction of the function’s body, at every local.get instruction, the corresponding value is read from the local and pushed to the value stack:

At the i32.add instruction, the top two values of the value stack are popped out to be used as the operands. After execution, the result is 10, being pushed back to the stack:

At this step, we reached the end of the $add function, the control-flow stack will be popped, the return signature of this function is i32, so the value 10 of type i32 will be returned to the caller of the $add function. The execution concluded.